Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Working Hard

Here is a shot of Trish and Max, one of the other patients that was admitted shortly after Memorial Day weekend.

They are both working on improving their upper body strength, which is critical to their level of independence. Once released from the hospital they will both need the extra strength to get around.

Trish is working extra hard with additional sessions each day so she will be able to both get around in her house more easily, and also transfer herself into her car sooner rather than later. As you know, Trish does not like to sit around very much, so getting into the car by herself will be a really big step.

Parker & Hunter came to visit again yesterday afternoon and shared mom's therapy session in the hospital's pool. Not a bad place to be on a 115 degree day. Today, Trish & Scott hope to go to a movie together with several of the other rehab patients.

And since this is the 4th of July, they all plan on rolling out into the parking garage tonight and taking the elevator to the roof. From that vantage point, they will be able to see 2-3 of the downtown fireworks displays up close and personal.