Saturday, July 7, 2007

Next Steps

After reviewing her current condition, Trish's surgeon ordered the TSLO brace removed. This is a full chest, clam shell like brace that Trish wore every time she was sitting up. It was great to get rid of this thing, but she is now presented with a new set of problems.

The purpose of the brace was to provide stability when Trish was upright and protect her spine at the site of her surgery from further injury. She was originally told that she would need this brace for 8-12 weeks. But with only 5+ weeks passed since her surgery, this shows how quickly she has healed. Now that her spinal bones have fused with the screws and metal rods, there is no danger of further injury to her spinal cord.

With the brace gone, Trish must relearn all her balance and transfer skills. Yesterday, she said she felt like a cork bobbing on the ocean when she sits in her wheelchair. This feeling of instability was very unsettling, but should go away after additional physical therapy to help her regain her balance.

Trish and Scott are now making plans in earnest for Trish's return home. If all continues to go well, she may be released from the hospital in two weeks or less. After release, she will continue her PT & OT sessions on an out-patient basis for several months. She will be traveling back to St. Joseph's from her home in Queen Creek two days per week.