Monday, July 9, 2007

Quiet Weekend

Trish & Scott took advantage of a day pass from the hospital on both Saturday & Sunday to spend some time at home.

On Saturday they had some friends over for dinner and enjoyed some relaxing time together. On Sunday they had the boys and also went over to Trish's mom's for dinner.

These trips home are really nice as Trish can escape the routine of the hospital and gain experience with what life will be like at home very soon.

Today she will be back at the PT & OT routine in earnest as this will most likely be the last full week of in-patient therapy. Trish will be concentrating on regaining her balance skills after removing the chest brace, and also wants to improve her ability to "pop-over" from bed to chair, and chair to bed.

Her doctors continue to work on the proper combination and dosage of medications to fight her nerve pain as well as her muscle spasms. This effort will probably continue after she transitions to the out-patient therapy sessions.