Friday, July 20, 2007

Home at Last

Trish was released from the hospital yesterday after almost eight weeks of ICU, surgery and neuro rehabilitation. She accumulated quite a bit of stuff in her hospital room, and it was a major project getting everything moved out.

Now that she is home, Trish can begin the real adaptation process of living day to day. She and Scott are still working to make the major home modifications that are required, but they will improvise until they get these things completed.

I understand from Scott's mom that a lot of wonderful folks have offered to help with meals for the family. This will make Trish's transition a little easier, and will be very much appreciated.

Next week Trish begins her out patient therapy, which will be two days per week. She and her mom decided to drive back to St. Joseph's so Trish can take advantage of the SCI specific treatment offered only there. She will maintain this therapy schedule for up to six months so she can complete her transition to full Independence.

More later ...