Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Finally a new update! :)

I'm now starting my 4th month with the stem cells. They said by the end of the 6th month I should know the effects of what the stem cells will do. I can't believe that I've been back three months now.
Great things have been happening in therapy. For the past 2 months I've been going to the Neuro Institute for Physical Therapy twice a week. I've also been going to SOS Physical Therapy for water therapy twice a week. I work out at each place for 3 hours at a time. I made the decision to quit volunteering in the classrooms as often for awhile because working out (therapy) is now my job. So now I'm very busy working out 4 days a week. I still volunteer in my son Hunter's classroom. I wouldn't give that up. They grow up so fast I want to be there. I also still help at Brisas for half a day on Tuesdays.

So now for the exciting news......... As I said in the last post before I got the stem cells, I could only move or feel from my bra strap area up. I now have my abs, back, obliques, hip flexors, and my glutes all working. It's so great to have my core working again. I'm working on getting them stronger every day. It already makes a difference in my everyday life.

Next, I'll start with what's been going on in water therapy. First of all I want to explain that water therapy is really good for me because my body is much lighter underwater. This makes it much easier for my muscles to try and move if they can. When I first went there, they did a very detailed whole body map to see where I could feel and what I could move at the time. They have done this big evaluation twice now since I started and it changes for the better each time! At this point I can feel my whole core with pressure touch. That's my back, abs , bootie, sides, and hips. I can also feel down the top of my right quad. Then when they put ice on my feet or legs, I can feel that too. I have to lay down and keep my eyes closed the whole time while they do the tests. I just hope it keeps continuing down further and further. When I stop and think about it it's so amazing that I now have at least a foot and 1/2 more of my body that's working!

This past Monday in the pool I was able to kick back my leg and bend my knee. I did this with both legs. Then I was also able to lift my leg up (Like marching) about 6 inches on both legs. Just a month before I couldn't do this. They don't allow me to use any of my upper body muscles when I try to move. They just want to see what's connecting.

In the land therapy, I am working on making my newly returned muscles and my muscles that I already had working stronger. I love working out now. When I have a weekend and a few days off I get excited to go back and work out more. Now it's all about making the muscles that are working stronger. So I work a lot on my core. I am also continuing in both places to try and connect more muscles by trying to move my legs over and over. We are just hoping for the nerves to be able to send the signals from my brain to my legs through my injured spot on my spinal cord. It's great that some signals are getting through.

I can crawl with lifting my knees off the ground too. I was excited. I can also be on my knees with my back up tall next to a mat. Here is a picture of me doing this at home.

I'm also able to sit up much taller now and balance. People have told me I look like I lost weight, but really I haven't it's just that my stomach muscles are now working so they hold in my guts much better. I feel so excited about that!

I can now walk with a walker and leg braces. It's still very hard and tiring, and I'm not fast at all yet, but at least I can do it. I am working on putting more and more pressure on my legs as I take steps or stand. At this point on land I'm using mostly my abs and hip flexors to walk. They ordered me my own custom leg braces so they will fit me perfectly. Here is a funny picture of my leg casts that they used to make my braces.
I get the braces soon.

So I will continue to try and walk in hopes that someday I will do it faster and not need the braces or walker. Until then I will get around in my wheelchair since it's much faster. Those of you who know me well know I'm always on the go and walking slow wouldn't do. But just being able to if I choose to would be great! I will continue to work hard at it in therapy.

I will add some more pictures soon. I need to bring my camera to therapy next time. I promise I will add another blog update sooner this time. Please keep me in your prayers as I continue on my journey.


Anonymous said...

Trish, your posts always bring me to tears. Your progress is amazing and brightens my day hearing about it all! Congratulations on all your accomplishments. Your incredible journey has just begun!

Peace and love-
Jami Ball

Anonymous said...

Trish I just got through reading pretty much everything there is to read. I just want to thank you for bringing all this information to my familys attention and everytime we talk to you or read something about you it takes strength for my husband and I not to cry, we only hope we will have the same if not even better results for are in our thoughts contantly and we wish you all the best :)

Michelle Doss

Anonymous said...

Trish, your strength and determination continue to amaze and inspire. Much love and many prayers for strength and healing!!!
Mary Vrana

LarsensJourney said...

We are so excited for you. Would love to get together sometime.

Myrna Eshelman said...

I am amazed by your progress. I know you are working so hard to build your strength and rehab your muscles. Keep it up!

Know that we are still praying for you,
Skip and Myrna Eshelman

j blank said...

Hi my name is ashley and my boyfriends name is jolly and he is paralzed from chest down, from a gun shot wound. Ive been trying to get him to look in to stem cell because ive been reading about it for about a year now, and to see you progress the way that you have gives us hope that he will get a chance one day to do so to. Thank you, you are a storng women! Keep it up.!

j blank said...
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