Friday, July 13, 2007

Almost Fun

Here is a shot of Trish riding the "Stim Cycle". This is a device the therapists use to provide some exercise for legs that otherwise get no muscular activity.
Electrodes are attached to the thighs, and a mild shock is sent to the muscles on a timed basis. The result is that the legs move and pedal the bike. This does not work for all patients, but Trish's legs responded beautifully to the stimulus, and she rode for several minutes.
The primary purpose of this treatment is to help Trish keep the muscle tone in her legs and to prevent atrophy. I think there is also a psychological boost just to see your legs move after so much inactivity (even if you are not really the one moving them).
The last few days have been good ones, and Trish continues to prepare for her eventual release from the hospital and the transition into out-patient therapy.
She really does enjoy all the blog comments, cards and notes, and looks forward to reading your messages every day. Thank you for the continuing support.