Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Another Week of Work

This will be another week of physical, occupational and recreational therapy for Trish. She continues to hone the physical skills that will help her be more independent when she returns home.

The efforts by the doctors are also continuing to deal with the various accident related internal issues. These continue to frustrate Trish and make the PT work even tougher.

Here she is working with Mellisa, her PT, on making the move from her chair to the bed which has been raised above her. This more advanced transfer skill will be needed for her to "pop-over" from her chair into the chair on the stair lift she and Scott hope to buy. This stair lift, while very expensive and not covered by insurance, will be the key for Trish to live her life both down and upstairs in their new home.

Today Trish will be going out to lunch with the other rehab patients as the RT staff continues to work with the gang to "get out and about" from the hospital.

More later this week ...