Friday, June 1, 2007

Account Created for Donations

Our families would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone for all of your prayers and support this week. Trish was moved out of ICU into a recovery room yesterday, and will hopefully be moved to the Rehabilitation Center at St. Joseph's Hospital tomorrow.

She has had two therapy sessions so far and was able to sit in a chair for about 3 hours today. She gained about 2 -3 inches of feeling in her chest yesterday, which was a positive sign. They are still telling us that everything is day to day so we continue to pray for every milestone that is reached.

We thank everyone for their offers of help and support. We are trying to organize everything and will hopefully be utilizing you all soon.

There has been an account set up to assist Scott and Trish with the medical bills and expenses that are to come. Donations can be made at a National Bank of Arizona to Acct. #0568005203. Please contact Kristi Sheahan if you have any questions.

We ask that you continue to keep the family in your prayers for all the obstacles ahead.

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