Saturday, June 30, 2007

Another Up & Down Week

Trish continues to make progress with her therapy each day, and was able to go swimming again on Thursday. This time Parker & Hunter were able to join her and the therapist recruited them to help Trish with her exercises in the pool. They were real troopers and took to the task like professionals.

The downside of each passing week is Trish's realization that she may never again have the use of her abdomen and her legs. The thought of living the rest of her life like this is depressing for her, but luckily, she only gets down occasionally. Most of the time she continues to have a great attitude and is willing to continue her fight to get better.

This week Trish was able to "pop over" between her wheelchair and the therapy bed in the spinal cord gym. This means she did her own transfer without the need of a slide board and represents one more great step toward her Independence.

Trish continues to receive greeting cards and comments here on the blog, and very much enjoys reading each and every one. Thank you so much for all the continued support ...


Anonymous said...

Trish, I don't know you personally, but my son Daniel goes to Brisas. He will be in the 2nd grade this fall. You are in my thoughts and prayers daily! Keep up the great work! Thanks to your Dad for creating this blog so we are able to keep up on how you are doing. God bless, Jeanna Lenhauser and Family.

Laura said...

Hey Trish,
It must have been fun to have the boys there with you in the pool. You are very lucky you have such wonderful family and friends that are watching after them while you are away. It is ok to get depressed sometimes, that is perfectly natural. Just keep your trust in God strong and he will pull you through this. I know you will be the best you can be whatever "condition" you are in.
Great job on getting into the wheelchair on your own. Everytime you do something for yourself it has got to make you fight harder for the next hurdle.
Love, Laura

Deb said...

Keep up your strength. I am so happy with your progress and your dad's
blog. I look forward to each days news of your ups and downs, and how you keep your faith and will to get stronger each day. Keep it up and hang in there.

Anonymous said...

Trish, Keep fighting. I know you can do it.!! Do not give up. Something tells me your will and determination will pull you thru this.

Debbie Cartwright said...

Keep up the great work and ATTITUDE, Trish. You are in my thoughts and prayers. You are a wonderful person, with a smile and cheerfulness that reaches everyone who knows you. I admire you!!
It must have been great to have the boys swimming with you...for you and for them!!
Debbie Catwright

Anonymous said...

Hi Trish,
I was so sad when I got a call from Ty today to let me know about your accident. All I could think of was your precious face,your sweet personality and ALL the fun times we had as kids. Iam so sorry to hear what happened, keep your positive attitude and your faith in God and you will amaze us Iam sure of it. I hear you have a wonderful husband and two darling boys, that makes me so happy. Zane is 16 yrs old (can you believe it) and ALL BOY just like
his uncle Ty. I would love to see you when you are ready for visiters. I want to know how Ty got to visit for 2 hours? He never has followed the rules. My family and I will be praying for you and your family. If there is anything we can do for you please let me know., 623-322-2929 (HM)or 602-920-4091 (cell). I love you. Kerri and Family

Lisa said...

Am thinking of you alot. You're making great progress. We're cheering for you!

Anonymous said...

Trish and Scott,
Can't believe that it was only one month ago that the accident occurred. You have made such great progress and maintained such a positive attitude. You are amazing! So many are sending positive thoughts your way. I hope you & Scott feel the loving energy.

Anonymous said...

Trish, I know in my heart I will be seeing you walking around Brisas again real soon. Keep the faith, you can do it!!!!

Anonymous said...

Keep up the great attitude and that great smile! You are amazing and I know you will do the best that you can do. Our family thinks about you daily and Taelor really wants you to know that she can't wait to see you and give you a big hug! Tell your dad he is amazing and this blog is wonderful! Hang in there and I am sure we will see you at Brisas real soon! The Etherton family.

Anonymous said...


Hey, it's Matt. I don't even know what to say, but I just want you to know how much you have been on my mind and in my prayers since the accident. My heart goes out to you, but I grew up with you, I know you and the incredible positiveness and strength of spirit that you posess. You will come through this and with all the family and friends you have pulling for you, I would not rule out a miracle, be it one way or another. Sounds like you have so many blessings in your life with Scott and your boys and all your family, I am anxious to meet them all. The reason I think it touched me so deeply when I heard, is that I pictured you in tears in my mind and in all my memories of you, you always had, and I'm sure still do, such a beautiful, glowing smile that affects all around you. I love that smile and can't wait to see it again. I will call Troy and see when he can come down from Eager, so we can come visit this week or next if that's OK. Your Dad's site is amazing, how much he must love you. I'll be keeping up on it. Trish, if there was ever anyone who I thought could make it through anything like this, it is you, and you will, with flying colors, as usual. My heartfelt prayers will not cease in your behalf, keep smiling girl! You know we all love you,

Matt Amos

Anonymous said...

Hi Trish,

Gina and I have been thinking of you since the accident. Our hearts were saddened when we got the news. While disappointing, we were relieved to hear your injuries were not life threatening to the point you’d still get the chance to watch and enjoy those two boys growing up. Sometimes life doesn’t always deal you a fair hand, but if anyone can beat the odds, it is you! It is great to see the progress that you have already made! With as fast as the medical technology world changes and the will, attitude, and determination you posses, anything is possible. We’ll miss not seeing you this summer in Grand Haven, but we’ll always be here for future visits, and look forward to it! Keep your chin and spirits up there little CUZ. You have much to live for and with God’s will, we’ll all see you walking again someday. You have a great supporting cast (your Dad, your Mom, Scott and the boys) to help get you through this first step of many more better days to come. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you while going through the rehab/rebuilding process. We’ll keep in touch … say hi to your folks!

With lots of love from Grand Haven, Don.

Anonymous said...


We hope you are doing well, you are in our thoughts and prayers always. I saw the boys at Shellye's swimming the other day and they ate like horses and had lots of fun.

I wanted to let you know that Bruce is willing to come out and look at your house and offer some suggestions and even do the work for you. We changed the shower over in my parents house for my grandpa when he lived with them so that he could get in with his wheelchair. You can call me or Bruce or have Scott call us and we can get the job done for you.
My cell is 480-266-7131 and Bruce's is 480-266-7133. He is out near Johnson Ranch alot now building a Barro's Pizza. Let me know?


Lisa said...

Hi Trish,

Talked about you on my blog today. Hope that's ok.

Anonymous said...

Hey! Trish, Butch and I have thought of you so many times, wondered what you had done in your grown up years, sounds like you are pretty lucky that you are here to love and raise those boys, and you know ?what they do not care if you are in a wheelchair all that matteres to them is they have a mom. And we know they have a great one. Just wanted you to know we loved you when you were a kid and we will always love you. To your Mom and Dad How lucky are they to still have you. would love to here from you pretty girl. and tell your Mom and Dad hello for us. God has blessed you. Our Love Butch and Joy Murray

Cub Scouts said...

Hi Trish
I liked seeing the pictures on the blog. You look great! Keep that award winning smile going and things will continue to get better. GO Trish GO!


Anonymous said...

To my longest and dearest friend,

I can't even begin to express how much you mean to me. You are one of the most beautiful people that I know, inside and out. I have always been so thankful to have you in my life. You have always made amazing acomplishments, and will continue to do so.

When you get a chance, look up a website at It is about the incredible things people have done after SPIs. You had said that you enjoy these inspirational stories, so I am hoping you will enjoy it.

I'm hoping to stop in to see you tomorrow on my way in from CA. I'll call on my way. Ttys :)

Love you,


Anonymous said...

Hi Trish-We are so glad to hear that you are getting the house set up for you to be HOME! I'm sure your family will be so happy to have you there, hopefully very soon! You are in our thoughts and prayers every day and we send our love-
Ashley & Jim

Anonymous said...

Hi Trish,
Glad to see you're doing so great. You look so beautiful. You have been in my heart, thoughts, and prayers since the accident. Your family, too.
Take your time, and remember to rest for recovery. Keep up with the fish oils, too. Welcome home!! Take care, love, Sheryl