Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Therapy is Working

Here is a shot of Trish with her physical therapist, Melissa, who works with her twice a day. The guy on the right is me, the therapist in training. Scott has worked with Trish so much during her therapy that he is now an expert and can help her do all the exercises. Trish's mom and I are still learning the ropes.

This week Trish was able to sit up from a prone position all on her own. This is a real milestone as it is the first move required to get out of bed and get into her chair. Her upper body strength is improving each day and this is helping her greatly.

Trish remains frustrated, however, as she continues to experience strange feelings in her abdomen and legs. Even though she cannot move her legs, they continue to spasm and jump occationally. She sometimes feels like she is standing in a snow bank and her legs and feet are freezing. Other times her feet feel like they are wrapped tightly in tape.

While having these sensations might be considered as good, if they do not contribute to any movement, they are just frustrating and uncomfortable for Trish. She is also experiencing muscle spasms in her chest that knock the wind out of her.

But, all in all, things contnue to get better each day. This past weekend Trish, Scott and the boys went to see "Fantastic 4" and she got her first theater experience in her wheelchair. And this week the therapists are planning several "out of hospital" activities.

More later this week ...


Anonymous said...

You look awesome Trish! Keep up the great work. You are truly amazing.

Renita said...

Hi Trish! It's so good to see you, you look great. I think of you often. Lots of love from your crazy friend, Renita

Anonymous said...

Yea!! A picture! You look beautiful as always. What an incredible job you are doing in your recovery! Keep up the hard work Trish. We continue to lift you up in prayer daily and are excited to hear about your progress. So thankful to your dad for keeping us up to date! p.s. How was The Fantastic 4? You da mom! Love, Dana <><

Deb said...

Looking good, keep up the hard work.
You are an inspiration.

Debbie Cartwright said...

You are as beautiful as ever Trish! You are such an inspiration..you will never know how you have inspired the lives of others! Keeping you in thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

Trish, You look amazing!!!You have accomplished so much in such a short time.( I kow it seems like forever to you) It is wondrful that you, Scott ,& the boys can get out and be together. Keep it up gal. Love Aunt Joy & Uncle Carl ( Who is that good looking older fellow next to you?)

Anonymous said...

It was great to see your picture. Glad to hear you've been able to go home again and go to a movie. I bet the boys loved that. Hang tough!
Kelly G

Anonymous said...

You are amazing! I can not even begin to understand what you must be going through,But you are facing every challenge with such amazing strengths.I believe you have what it takes girl.I will continue to pray often for you and your family.Keep up the good work!
Tana (Eshelman) Baldwin

Anonymous said...

WOW! Look how great you look! I think of you often, Trish...and I love reading about how you are coming along so wonderfully! Keep it up! HUGS!
Liz Hayes

Unknown said...

More wonderful accomplishments- yeah!! Great picture- you look so tan :) !! From one cowgirl to another- Lindsey says to tell you she is dedicating all of her hot laps this weekend at the Prescott Rodeo to you!! Hang in there- we're all thinking of you each day and can't wait until you are home!!
Kelly and Lindsey

Mary Lou said...

Hi, Trish! Wow! You are doing such an awesome job! I am glad to hear that you are able to get out some, now. I think of you many times every day and keep you in my prayers as well. You can do it!

Mary Lou

Anonymous said...

Craig and I just heard the news. You look great. Keep your spirits up. We will be praying for you and your family. God has really changed our lives radically in the past 16 years of marriage. Just remember that God says "Consider it pur joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance (James 1:1)" That may seem odd at this time in your life, but God can do such amazing things. Also remember "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.(Philippians 4:13)" Take care.
Craig and Mireille Helm

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know that you are in our thoughts and prayers every day!!!! Your courage and strength are inspiring, as is the love between you and Scott. You look wonderful, and I hope that you begin to feel better very soon. Hope to see you soon!

Tatiana, Mike, and the boys

Unknown said...

Hi Trish!!
You are doing awesome!! I am so proud of you!! I'll see you when I get back from vacation. Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

There she is: our beautiful Trish. I'm sorry I haven't been to see you for awhile, but I know you have lots of loving people around you every day. Amanda asks about you every day and said to tell you she hopes your physical therapy is going well. Your dad gives me a full report on your progress after each visit, so I know how hard you are working. You are awesome, girl! Love to you and Scott.

Anonymous said...

Trish - you dont know us but we are pulling for you - stay strong, you know you will look back and see how God has worked in your life. Keep your chin up!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Trish, Loved seeing pictures of your boys I love there names. Hope all is going well for you, would love to here from you , You can e-mail me at joymurray@aciglobal.com Your dad has done a awesome job, I am very proud of you, do you still twist your pant leg? Our Love Butch and Joy