Saturday, June 23, 2007

Tough Week

This has been a very tough week as Trish continues to struggle with nausea and some tiredness. The doctors are still working on the combinations of medications so Trish will feel better, be able to eat more, and more effectively work to regain her strength.

On Wednesday, the therapists took Trish & a group of patients out for lunch for Chinese. Scott was able to meet them and join in with the group. At lunch, the group also met one of the former patients that had been in the Neuro Rehab unit several months ago.

Each week, some of the rehab alumni drop in to visit with the current group and share their stories. Trish particularly enjoyed a visit from Scott Hogsett. Scott is a young man in his late twenties who was injured in his early teens and is now quadriplegic. In many ways, Scott has led a more full life since his accident than before.

With a winning personality and smile, he helped explain to the group that with a display of the right attitude, people see him as a person, and do not even look at his wheelchair. He was able to answer their questions and help them understand that there was really nothing they could not do if they wanted.

Scott shared the intimate details of his personal life and how he faces the struggles of daily life. He also shared his experience as a member of the US Quad Rugby team in the Para-Olympics. His experience, as well as the other members of the team, was showcased in the movie documentary "Murderball" (available on DVD).

Trish really enjoys all the comments and good wishes she receives. Keep the positive thoughts and prayers coming ... she needs them.

More later ...


Laura said...

Hi Trish,
Sorry to hear you're still experiencing the nausea. That's got to be a drag. I'm glad that you get to leave the center now and then.
Your husband seems like a great guy. You look so happy in all of your pictures.
I wish I could come out for a visit, it's been so long.
You keep working hard, I'll keep praying.
Love, Laura

Anonymous said...

Just a note to let you know that we are following your progress and you are in our family prayers every night. Your strength and determination are an amazing inspiration to us! And--I can't wait to meet Scott. He sounds like an amazing man! Much love, Ashley

Anonymous said...

I am sending hugs and prayers from Flagstaff!!! You are in my thoughts and I am keeping up on your progress by reading these updates. (Thanks Mr. Sauerbrun for creating this site.)
Love, Brooke

Anonymous said...


Keep the Faith! You can do it!Dont ever forget that! You are so lucky to have such an incredible Family that loves you so much!

Deb said...

Keep up the hard work and your strength.
I think of you and your family often.
You are a SUPER HERO.