Thursday, June 7, 2007

Trish's Therapy Progresses

Now that Trish is into her first full week of physical & occupational therapy, the staff at the Barrows Neuro Rehabilitation Center has been able to fully evaluate her condition and her progress.

They have told Trish that she should expect approximately six weeks in the center before she can go home, and then to continue therapy sessions as an out patient. This is really good news and shows how hard she is working at each session. Trish remains determined to recover her full independence.

She still has a way to go, but the outlook continues to be bright with small amounts of progress each day. Scott is there with her every single minute, and has been a rock of support. With his help, there is nothing that Trish will not be able to accomplish.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is there an address or email that we can use for sending cards and communications? Thank you. God Bless.